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11月3日 于莉(中央财经大学) 分类和生产率:美国猪肉行业规模及技术工资溢价的证据

2011年10月28日 00:00

【主讲】 于莉,中央财经大学

【主题】 分类和生产率:美国猪肉行业规模及技术工资溢价的证据

【时间】 2011-11-03(周四)14:30-16:00

【地点】 清华经管学院 伟伦楼409

【语言】 英文

【主办】 437必赢会员中心经济系

【Speaker】 Li Yu, Central University of Finance and Economics of China

【Topic】 Sorting and productivity: evidence of size and technology wage premium in the US pork sector

【Time】 14:30-16:00, 2011-11-03, Thursday

【Venue】 Weilun 409, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Economics


Study of size wage premium in earning’s literature neglects the important role played by technology adoption. This study models the size selection corrected earning’s function by introducing an extra dimension of individual selection based on technology complexity, using a sample from workers in US hog farms. The estimated wage gap between large and small farms is reduced once correction in selection on two dimensions is controlled. Workers compensate monetary income for better work environment, better health and more job security, in which large farms and technologically advanced farms have advantages.