【Topic】Gender Based Taxation and the Division of Family Chores
【Speaker】Andrea Ichino
【Time】2:30-4:00pm, Nov. 1
【Venue】Room 501, Weilun Building
【Organizer】*【Target Audi...
【Topic】Willingness to Pay for Mortality Risk Reductions in Shanghai and Chongqing
【Speaker】Alan Krupnick
【Time】1:30-3:00pm, October 31
【Venue】Wushunde Building 302 conference room (School of P...
【Topic】Sustainability of China's economic growth
【Speaker】Xiaolu Wang,Deputy Director, National Economic Research Institute, China Reform Foundation
【Time】2:30-4:00pm,Oct. 25, 2007
【Topic】"Monitoring Web 2.0 Business Ecosystem Using Text Mining Techniques"
【Speaker】Furen Lin
【Time】2007-10-25 13:30-14:30
【Venue】Room 336, Weilun Building
【Topic】Fairness Preference of Chinese Managers: An experimental study
【Speaker】Jean Dai
【Time】2007-10-25 14:00-15:00
【Venue】Room 335, Weilun Building
【Topic】The Impact of Earnings on the Pricing of Credit Default Swaps
【Speaker】Jeffrey L. Callen, Professor of Accounting, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
【Time】2007-10-22 15:0...
【Topic】Entrepreneurship Innovation in China's State-owned Companies
【Speaker】Taieb Hafsi(Professor of strategic management at Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, the business school of the Unive...