【Speaker】Teresa Fort, Assistant Professor, Dartmouth Tuck School of Business
【Topic 】The Margins of Global Sourcing: Theory and Evidence from U.S. Firms
【Location】Room 409, Weilun Building, Tsi...
【Speaker】Mun S. Ho, Visiting Scholar of Harvard University
【Topic 】Economic Growth in the Information Age–A Prototype Industry-Level Production Account for the United States 1947-2010
【Speaker】Doron Avramov,Professor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
【Topic】Time-Varying Momentum Payoffs and Illiquidity
【Time】Friday,February 28, 10:30-12:00
【Venue】Room 501, Weilun Build...
【Speaker】Howei WU, Ph.D of Stanford University
【Topic】Monetary Policy With Heterogenous Beliefs
【Time】Monday, January 20, 10:00-11:30
【Venue】Room 335, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM.