【Speaker】Peter T. Gottschalk, Professor of Economics, Boston College
【Topic】Are Earnings Inequality and Mobility Overstated? the Impact of Non-ClassicalMeasurement Error
【Time】15:45-17:15, 2008-...
【Speaker】Tim Draper-Founder and Managing Director of DFJ DragonFund China
【Topic】Change the World
【Time】May 8, 19:20 p.m.-21:00 p.m, 2008
【Venue】Room 401, Shunde Building, Tsinghua SEM
【Speaker】Daniel Berkowitz, Director of Graduate Studies, Professor of Economics,
Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh
【Topic】Courts, Budgets and the Imprint of Civil Law
【Topic】How Strategic Is Strategic Pay? The Case Of Employee Profit Sharing
【Speaker】Tony Fang, Assistant Professor in Human Resource Management at School of Administrative Studies, York University...
【Topic】Corporate Finance around the Globe
【Speaker】Jun Qian, Associate Professor of Finance, Carroll School of Management, Boston College
【Time】9:00-12:00am:14:00-17:00pm, 6,7,13,14,20,21,27,2...