【Speaker】Xiaodan Gao,Assistant Professor of NUS Business School
【Topic】Growth of Chinese R&D and Economy: The Role of Foreign Spillover
【Time】Tuesday, April 23, 12:00—13:30
【Location】Room 4...
【Speaker】Tianyue Ruan, Assistant Professor of National University of Singapore
【Topic】The Economics of Shadow Banking: Lessons from Surrogate Intermediaries in China
【Time】Thursday, April 25, 1...
【Speaker】Ning Cai, Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
【Topic】FinTech, Data Analysis, and Privacy Prese...
【Speaker】Qintan Li, Professor, NSYSU
【Topic】International Talent Competition: a study on the push-and-pull factors of Chinese oversea students obtaining employment in Taiwan based on the destinati...
【Speaker】Tatsuro Senga, Queen Mary University of London, Assistant Professor
【Topic】A New Look at Uncertainty Shocks: Imperfect Information and Misallocation
【Time】Thursday, April.25, 15:30-17:0...
【Speaker】STICE JOSEPH HAN, Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
【Topic】Payout Policy, Corporate Disclosure, and the Role of Local Newspapers:Evidence from Newspaper Closures an...
【Speaker】Era Dabla-Norris, International Monetary Fund, Division Chief
【Topic】Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Rate and Base Changes: Evidence from Fiscal Consolidations
【Time】Tuesday, April.23, 15:...