How portable are top management skills? Should (and do) firms care about firm manager fit when they hire new managers? How is fit related to managerial “style”? We hypothesize that if firms and mana...
【Speaker 】Dr Paul T Brown, Visiting Professor in Organisational Neuroscience at London South Bank University, Individual and Organisational Psychology at Nottingham Law School
【Topic】Metrics for ...
【Speaker 】 Wei Chi, Tsinghua SEM
【Topic 】 Burden and Inequality of Family Educational Expenditure and its Impact on Children’s Educational Achievement: An Empirical Study Based on Family Expend...
【Speaker】 Ronaldo Carpio, School of Banking & Finance, University of International Business & Economics
【Topic】Discounted Dynamic Programming in the Space of Fenchel Transforms
【Location】Room 40...
Sam Garg is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at HKUST, Hong Kong. He obtained his PhD (Organizations, Strategy and Entrepreneurship) and MA (Sociology) from Stanford University a...