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Rockefeller Delegation Visit SEM


Steven Rockefeller Jr., President of Rose Rock Partners LLP., a fifth generation member of the Rockefeller family, visited SEM with delegation members and delivered a speech themed “Family History & Poverty Alleviation” on March 14, 2011.

Steven Rockefeller Jr. and Dean QIAN Yingyi

In the speech, Steven Rockefeller Jr. reviewed the Rockefeller family history. He introduced the Rockefeller family’s investment principles and achievements, and its contributions to charities. The family has been providing financial services to underdeveloped countries and regions, for which Steven Rockefeller Jr. received a Fulbright Award at the United Nations.

Steven Rockefeller Jr. giving the speech

The event was hosted by Professor LI Jinliang of the Department of Finance. Present at the event was also Director CAO Wenlian of the International Cooperation Center under the National Development and Reform Commission.

Before the speech, Dean QIAN Yingyi and Associate Dean LIAO Li of the School held a discussion with the delegation.