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Ning Li, Assistant Professor of Management & Organizations, Tippie College of Business, The University of Iowa: ‘Winner Takes All’ or ’Rising Tides’? A Multi-level Perspective of Individual Social Recognition Effects in Teams


Contemporary team research often adopts a heuristic, simplified model to study teams by focusing on team overall properties (e.g., the average of team personality and behavior), while neglecting the unique influences of specific members on team outcomes. Drawing on minority influence theory (Grant & Patil, 2012), we examine how an elite team member influences team processes and ultimately team effectiveness. Specifically, based on a field study, we report that the elite member’s behavioral influences (i.e., helping and voice) on team processes and team effectiveness are contingent upon his or her network position in the team such that the elite member tends to have stronger effects on team outcomes when the member is in a central position. Therefore, our research offers an important contribution to the team literature by demonstrating the disproportional influences of specific team members on team overall outcomes.