Dr. Wu’s research won the “Best Paper in Valuing IT Opportunities” award, the “Best Paper in Web-Based Information Systems and Applications” award at the 2006 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), and the Runner-Up Best Conference Paper Award at the 2009 ICIS. Dr. Wu recently won the Linda and Lloyd L. Byars Award for Faculty Research Excellence, Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology, April, 2013. Dr. Wu currently serves as an associate editor for Management Science (IS Department), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (IT and Operations Interface), and as a senior editor for Production and Operations Management (Management of Technology Department). Dr. Wu co-edited a special section on information and competitive strategy in an networked economy for Journal of Management Information Systems (Fall 2012). Dr. Wu served as a track co-chair of ICIS (2009), and co-chaired the 2011 Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE). He also co-chaired the 2010 IT Teaching Workshop.