LI Chuan, Partner, Kirkland & Ellis International LLP
Jesse Sheley, Partner, Hong Kong office of Kirkland & Ellis International LLP
Pierre-Luc Arsenault, Corporate Associate, Hong Kong office of Kirkland & Ellis International LLP
【Topic】Doing the Deal: Minority Private Equity Investments in China.
【Time】18:30-20:00, 03-23-2010, Tuesday
【Venue】501, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM
【Language】English (with Chinese PPT)
【Organizer】Tsinghua University CCFR Private Equity and Venture Capital Institute
Career Development Center, Tsinghua SEM
Background Information
In the wake of the global financial crisis, the private equity industry has undergone a profound shift east. As foreign financial sponsors enter the Chinese market alongside burgeoning domestic funds, including sovereign funds, entrepreneurs and dealmakers increasingly focus on the legal technology used by sophisticated sponsors to structure deals in China. The predominant form of such investments to date has been minority investments in Chinese domestic enterprises, whether indirectly offshore or directly onshore. In the this lecture, three Kirkland attorneys will address key developments in this market and the nuts and bolts practicalities of structuring and documenting such a minority deal.