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02-20: Tsinghua University-Monash University Management Research Workshop





8.45 – 9.00

Official Welcome

Professor Guoqing Chen, Executive Associate Dean, TSEM

9.00 – 9.10

Introduction of the workshop program and tworesearch teams


&Prof Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu

9.10 – 9.30

Topic 1:Strategic HRM research inChina

Dr. Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu (Associate Professor of HRM &Chinese studies)

9.30 – 9.50

Topic 2:Research Progress in Human Resources Economics

Dr. Wei Chi

(Associate Professor of HRM,TSEM)

9.50 – 10.10

Questions and Discussion


Morning tea

10.40 – 11.00

Topic 3:Chinese multinationals and the links between human resource practices, strategic initiatives, and firm performance.

Dr. Helen De Cieri

(Prof. of HRM)

11.00 – 11.20

Topic4:Enhancing the understanding of Chineseleadershipbehaviours

DrSen Sendjaya (Senior Lecturer ofOBand Leadership)

11.20 – 11.40

Topic5: Research in Organizational Learning & Learning Organization

Dr. Guoquan Chen

(Professor of OB & HRM,TSEM)

11.40 – 12.00

Questions and Discussion

12.00 –2.00

Lunch Break

2.00 – 2.20

Topic 6:AreHappierEmployeesMoreProductive?JobSatisfactionAndAffectiveCommitmentAsMediators

Dr. Jin Zhang

(Associate Professor of OB&HRM,TSEM)

2.20 – 2.40

Topic 7:Diversity management inChina

Dr. S. Bruce Thomson

(Research Fellow)

2.40 – 3.00

Questions and Discussion

3.00 – 3.30

Afternoon tea

3.30 – 3.50

Topic 8: Motive for Transition from Technologists to Technical Entrepreneurs: Evidence fromZhongguancunScienceParkinBeijing

Dr. Delin Yang

(Associate Professor of Innovation Management,TSEM)

3.50 – 4.10

Topic 9:Network organizational forms:Enhancing team climates and creativity

Dr.Giles Hirst (Senior Lecturer ofOBandOrganizational Psychologist)

4.10 – 4.30

Questions and Discussion

4.30– 4.50

Conclusion of the workshop

ProfGuoquanChen&Prof Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu