


Department of Economics    Tenured Associate Professor


Office:Room B623 Lihua Building

Office Hours:By Appointment

Educational Background

Ph.D. in Economics, 2014, Washington University in St. Louis
        Dissertation Committee: Stephen Williamson (chair), Costas Azariadis, Yongseok Shin, Yi Wen

M.A. in Economics, 2009, China Center for Economic Research (CCER), Peking University
        Adviser: Yaohui Zhao

B.A. in Management, 2006, School of Information Resource Management, Renmin University of China


Work Experience

Associate Professor of Economics with Tenure, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, December 2023 to present.

Associate Professor of Economics without Tenure, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, August 2019 - November 2023.

Associate Professor of Finance without Tenure, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, August 2018 - July 2019.

Assistant Professor of Finance, Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, August 2014 - July 2018.

Research Associate, Research Division, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, July 2011 - August 2013.



Principles of Economics, Advanced Macroeconomics II (first module).


Research Areas

Monetary Economics, Asset Bubbles, Carbon Transition, Production Networks.

Personal website:



Grants and Programs
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China for Excellent Young Scholars, Macroeconomic Theory, 2022-2024, PI (国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目).

2. National Natural Science Foundation of China for Original Exploration Program, Economic Theory of New Production Functions under Carbon Neutrality, 2023-2024, PI (国家自然科学基金原创探索计划项目).

3. National Natural Science Foundation of China for Youth,  Asset Bubbles, Monetary Policy and Macro-Prudential Policy, 2020-2022, PI (国家自然科学基金青年项目).

4. Tsinghua University Spring Breeze Fund Program,  Macroeconomic Implications of Covid-19 and Policy Response, 2020-2022, PI.

5. School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, "Influence" Enhancement Program, Asset Bubbles: Theory, Application, and Policy, 2021-2024, PI.

Publications in English

1. Aggregate Implications of Financial Frictions for Unemployment, Review of Economic Dynamics, 2023, Volume 48, pp.45-71.

2. Public Disclosure and Private Information Acquisition: A Global Game Approach, with Zhifeng Cai, Journal of Economic Theory, accepted.

3. Bubbly Bailout, with Zhiwei Xu, Journal of Economic Theory, 2022, Volume 202, 105460.

    ——Best Paper Award in 2022 by the China Information Economics Society.

4. Asset Bubbles and Monetary Policy, with Jianjun Miao and Pengfei Wang, Review of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 37, June 2020, S68-S98.

    ——Frontiers of Business Cycle Research, Volume II.

5. Adverse Selection and Self-Fulfilling Business Cycles, with Jess Benhabib and Pengfei Wang, Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 94, April 2018, pp. 114-130.

6. Long and Plosser Meet Bewley and Lucas: Monetary Policy in Production Networks, with Yi Wen, Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 102, April 2019, pp. 70-92.

7. Cycles of Credit Expansion and Misallocation: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, with Zhiwei Xu, Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 186, March 2020.

    ——Best Paper Award in 2020 by the China Information Economics Society.

8. The Perils of Credit Booms, with Jianjun Miao and Pengfei Wang, Economic Theory, Volume 66, December 2018, Issue 4, pp. 819–861, lead article.

9. Credit Search and Credit Cycles, with Pengfei Wang and Yi Wen, Economic Theory, Volume 61, February 2016, Issue 2, pp. 215–239, lead article.

10. A Search-Based Model of Capital Reallocation, with Pengfei Wang and Yi Wen, European Economic Review, Volume 128, July 2020.

11. A Model of Secular Migration from Centralized to Decentralized Trade, with Zhifeng Cai, Economic Theory, Vol. 72, 2021, pp. 201–244.

12. Flight to Housing in China,with Jianfeng Liu, Zhiwei Xu and Bo Zhao, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2021, Vol. 130.

13. Economic Slowdown and Housing Dynamics in China: A Tale of Two Investments by Firms, with Yumei Guo, Yuchao Peng, and Zhiwei Xu, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, forthcoming.

14. Speculative Bubbles and Talent Misallocation, with Yandong Jia and Siqing Wang, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,  forthcoming.

15. Bubbly Bitcoin, with Zhiwei Xu and Yu Zhang, Economic Theory, forthcoming.

16. Firm Debt and Labor Share: The distribution effect of de-leverage, with Guangjun Shen and Yang Jiao, China Economic Quarterly International, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 59-71.


Industry Experience

Editorial Service

1. Associate Editor, Macroeconomic Dynamics, since 2021.

2. Associate Editor, Mathematical Social Sciences, since 2022.

3. Associate Editor, International Journal of Economic Theory, since 2021.

4. Associate Editor, Economic Modelling, since 2019.

Professional Service

1. Youth Academic Committee Member of China Society for Finance and Banking, since 2021.

2. Macro Professional Committee Member of Chinese Economic Association, since 2021.

3. Director of China Information Economics Society, since 2021.

4. Young Scholars of China Finance 40 Youth Forum, since 2021.

5. China Macro and Finance Study Group, since 2021.

6. Program Committee Members of the China International Conference in

Macroeconomics (CICM), since 2019.

7. Thesis Defense Committee for Undergraduate Degree (first degree/second degree) of School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, since 2019.

8. Recruitment Committee of the Department of Economics, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, since 2019.

9. Academic Committee of the Department of Economics, School of Economics and

Management, Tsinghua University, since 2019.

10. Thesis Defense Committee for Master/Doctor Degree of School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, since 2019.

11. Organizing Committee of the Alumni Economics Conference of School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, since 2021.

12. Conference Co-organizer (joint with Professor Yi Lu from Tsinghua University and Huanlang He from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics): The International Macro Workshop at Shanghai University of International Business and

Economics, 2019.

13. Conference Co-organizer (joint with Professor Zhiwei Xu from Shanghai Jiao Tong University): The Macro-Finance Workshop at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2016-2019.

14. Seminar coordinator at Department of Economics, School of Economics and

Management, Tsinghua University, Fall 2020 & Spring 2021.

15. Seminar coordinator at Department of Finance, Antai College of Economics and

Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fall 2016

16. Discussant: The 2015 ASSA/AEA Meeting at Boston, The 2016 Macro-Finance Workshop at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China International Conference in Finance 2016 at Xiamen, Business Cycles, Financial Markets, and Monetary Policy with Special Applications to China at Beijing, Tsinghua Workshop in International Finance and Monetary Policy 2017 at Beijing, The 2017 Tsinghua Macro Workshop at Beijing, The 2017 Macro Workshop on Capital Markets, Macro Policy and Economic Fluctuations at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China International Conference in Macroeconomics 2018, Economic Fluctuation and Growth Research Workshop 2018/2020, The 2021 PHBS Workshop in Macroeconomics and Finance, The 2021 China Financial Frontier Academic Workshop of Journal of Management World, The 2021 China International Conference in Finance (CICF).



1. Outstanding Bachelor's Thesis Advisor of Tsinghua University in 2022

2. Best Paper Award, China Information Economics Society, 2022.

3. Best Paper Award, China Information Economics Society, 2020.

4. Advanced Individual of Scientific Research, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, 2022.

5. Advanced Individual of Scientific Research, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, 2020.

6. "Most Popular Teacher" Award nomination, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2018.

7. John Stuart Mill Fellowship, Washington University in St. Louis, 2009-2010.

8. Leo KoGuan Scholarship, Peking University, 2008.

9. Excellent Teaching Assistant of Economics (Double Major), Peking University, 2007.


Other Information



2.《立足长远,中国经济发展以“稳”为关键词》, 中新社《侨报》,2023-03-03,;


4.《读特专稿 | 硅谷银行倒闭,会引发金融危机吗?对中国市场影响如何?》,深圳特区报《读特网》,2023-03-16,;

5.《从演播室出发 | 437必赢会员中心经管学院经济系副教授、博士生导师董丰:深圳高质量发展如何发力?关键词是这个字》,深圳报业集团《读特网》,2023-03-13,;

