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1997 麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院博士

1988 日本国际大学硕士

1985 杜克大学学士



2010-至今 437必赢会员中心副教授

2007-2010 中欧国际商学院副教授

2001-2007 欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)助理教授

1999-2001 香港中文大学助理教授

1997-1999 香港科技大学访问助理教授










How does a new venture build a new product’s legitimacy? Evidence from digital innovations in an established industry. Forthcoming, International Journal of Technology Management (forthcoming, with Wei Zhang, Liyan Wang, Yongyi Zhao and Qixin Ye).

Three strategies to convince people that your startup is legit. Harvard Business Review (HBR Online), March 2021 (with Wei Zhang, Liyan Wang and Jianxi Luo).

Overcoming the “liability of newness”: Entrepreneurial action and the emergence of China’s private solar photovoltaic firms.  Research Policy, 45:604-617 (2016, with Wei Zhang). [92 citations]

A strategic framework for determining technological learning performance in Chinese firms. International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 3:21-35 (2011, with Wei Xie). [2 citations]

From imitation to creation: The critical yet uncertain transition for Chinese firms. Journal of Technology Management in China, 1:229-242 (2006, with Wei Xie). [97 citations]

Distinguishing costs of cooperation and control in alliances.  Strategic Management Journal, 26:913-932 (2005, with Steven Lui). [333 citations]

Financing new ventures in China: System antecedents and institutionalization. Research Policy, 36:894-913 (2005, with Jian Gao and Wei Zhang). [134 citations]

Cooperation costs, governance choice and alliance evolution.  Journal of Management Studies, 42:1383-1412 (2005). [144 citations]

Windows of opportunity, learning strategies, and the rise of China’s handset makers.  International Journal of Technology Management, 36:230-248 (2006, with Wei Xie). [29 citations]

Sequential learning in a Chinese spin-off: The case of Lenovo Group Limited. R&D Management, 34:407-422 (2004, with Wei Xie). [82 citations]

Stakeholders, structure and the failure of corporate governance reform initiatives in post-crisis Thailand.  Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 21:103-122 (2004). [36 citations]

Organizational and industrial response to market liberalization: The interaction of pace, incentive and capacity to change.  Organization Studies, 23:917-948 (2002, with Greg Linden). [68 citations]

Rigor and relevance in Asian management research: Where are we and where can we go? Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 19:287-352 (2002). [190 citations]

Comparing innovation systems: A framework and application to China's transitional context.  Research Policy, 30:1091-1114 (2001, with Xielin Liu). [1,065 citations]

Competition, capabilities and the make, buy or ally decisions of Chinese state-owned firms. Academy of Management Journal, 43:324-341 (2000). [223 citations]

Alternative transition trajectories for market structure and firm strategy in China. Journal of Management Studies, 38:103-124 (2001, with Xielin Liu). [57 citations]

An exploration into regional variation in innovative activity in China.  International Journal of Technology Management, 21:114-129 (2001; with Xielin Liu). [105 citations]

A survey of Chinese technology and innovation management literature, 1987-1997.  International Journal of Technology Management, 21:130-150 (2001, with Xielin Liu and Wei Xie). [18 citations]

Organizational processes to meet new performance criteria: Chinese pharmaceutical firms in transition. Research Policy, 27:369-383 (1998, with Xielin Liu). [54 citations]

Foreign technology and domestic inputs’ relative contributions to innovation in Chinese manufacturing industries. Technovation, 17:119-125 (1997, with Xielin Liu) [230 citations].

Books and chapters in edited volumes

Lenovo’s venture philanthropy: Evaluating and planning, in The Role of Corporate Sustainability in Asian Development, Chapter 3, Lessen, Rhee and Martinez, editors. Springer, 2017 (with Maria Herrera).

Hong Kong’s venture capital system and the commercialization of new technology, in Innovation Policy and the Limits of Laissez-Faire, Chapter 6, D. Fuller, editor. Palgrave Macmillan, 2010 (with Kevin Au).

Venture capital and the financing of China’s new technology firms.  Chapter for China’s Capitalist Transition, C. McNally, editor. Routledge, 2007 (with W. Zhang, J. Gao and P. Vega).

Lenovo’s pursuit of dynamic strategic fit.  In The Management & Performance of China's Domestic Private Firms: Multi-disciplinary Approaches, Anne Tsui and Claudia Schoonhoven, eds. Sharpe, 2006 (with Wei Xie).

Exploring dark corners: An agenda for organizational behavior research in alliance contexts.  In Handbook of Strategic Alliances, Shenkar, O. & J.Reuer, eds. 2005 (with Kwok Leung).

The Handbook of Asian Management.  Kluwer.  2004 (co-editor, with Kwok Leung).

The emergence of venture capital and funding of technology-based firms in China. In Financial Systems, Corporate Investment in Innovation and Venture Capital.  A. Bartzokas and S.Mani, eds: Edward Elgar. 2004 (with J. Gao and W. Zhang).

Networks and incentives in transition: A multi-level analysis of China’s pharmaceutical industry.  Chapter in The Management of Enterprises in the People's Republic of China (Tsui, A. & Lau, C.M., eds.). Norwell, Massachusetts: Kluwer (2002, with Xielin Liu).

Biotechnology Japan, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1989 (with Mark Dibner).

Papers under review or in preparation

Friends in low places: Status, structure and venture capital syndicate performance. Accepted for the Best Papers Conference Proceedings in the Entrepreneurship Division, 2020 Academy of Management Conference. Under journal review (with Jiguo Qi and Wei Zhang).

How entrepreneurs build ecosystems for new venture creation.  Undertaking final revision before submission. Earlier version was winner of Best Paper Award, Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conference, Sydney, 2016 (with Wei Zhang and Jianxi Luo).

How venture capitalists foster or destroy relational rents: The entrepreneur’s perspective. Undertaking final revision before submission (with Wei Zhang and Jiguo Qi).

Filling institutional voids: Collective action and the emergence of China’s venture capital industry.   Undertaking final revision before submission preparation (with Wei Zhang and Jiguo Qi).

Entrepreneurial externalities and the emergence of a new ecosystem.  Under preparation (with Wei Zhang and Jianxi Luo).

Drivers of divergent national industrial ecosystem response to exogenous demand shocks: The solar PV industries in Germany and China.  First draft in process (with Wei Zhang, Rainer Quitzow and Michael Nauruschat).



1989-1992 日本住友商事株式会社分析师



