1. Wang, L.Y., Qu, G.N.,陈劲.(2021). Towards a meaningful innovation paradigm: conceptual framework and practice of leading world-class enterprise. Chinese Management Studies. DOI 10.1108/CMS-12-2020-0536.
2. 陈劲, Di Minin, A., Minshall, T., Su, Y.S., Xue, L., Zhou, Y.(2021). The New Silk Road: R&D networks, knowledge diffusions, and open innovation[J]. R & D Management, 51(3) SI: 243-246.
3. Guo, J.J., Zhou, S.S., 陈劲, Chen, Q.(2021). How information technology capability and knowledge integration capability interact to affect business model design:A polynomial regression with response surface analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, DOI10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120935.
4. 陈劲, Wang, L.Y., Qu, G.N.(2021). Explicating the business model from a knowledge-based view: nature, structure, imitability and competitive advantage erosion. Journal of Knowledge Management, 2021, 25(1) ,SI:23-47.
5. Mei, L., Rentocchini F.,陈劲.(2021).Antecedents of strategic ambidexterity in firms’ product innovation: External knowledge and internal information sharing. Journal of Small Business Management, DOI10.1080/00472778.2021.1944635.
6. Wu, H., 陈劲,(2020) International ambidexterity in firms' innovation of multinational enterprises from emerging economies: an investigation of TMT attributes. Baltic Journal of Management, Vol.15, No. 3, pp.431-451.
7. 陈劲,Han L, Qu G.(2020).Citizen innovation: Exploring the responsibility governance and cooperative mode of a “post-schumpeter” paradigm", Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity,Vol.6,No.4,pp.172-183.
8. 陈劲, Su, Y.S., de Jong, J.P.J.,von Hippel, E,(2020). Household sector innovation in China: Impacts of income and motivation, Research Policy,Vol.49,No.4.
9. Cui, Y.,Hao,J.,陈劲.(2020).Lead and disrupt: How to solve the innovator's dilemma",Technological Forecasting and Social Change,152 No.,pp.119881.
10. 陈劲, LIU, Y.S.(2020).Take the Essence, Discard the Dregs: A Perspective on Blockchain Technology in China. Management and Organization Review,Vol.16,No.1,pp.203-209.
11. Santoso A.S.,Soh P.-H.,Larso D.,陈劲, (2020).Strategic entrepreneurship in a VUCA environment: Perspectives from Asian emerging economies", International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing,Vol.12,No.4,pp.343-354.
12. 陈劲,Li, J.X.,Burgelman, R.A,Hang, C.C., Zheng, G.(2020).Leading for constructive innovation: Preliminary evidence from China. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management,57No.,pp.101588.
13. 陈劲,Yin, X.M., Li J.Z.,(2020).Firm innovation system: Paths for enhancing corporate indigenous innovation capability ”,Frontiers of Engineering Management. Vol. 7,No. 3,pp. 404-412.
14. Zhang, K., Jia, X. & 陈劲 (2019). Talent management under a big data induced revolution: The double-edged sword effects of challenge stressors on creativity. Management Decision, 57(8), 2010-2031.
15. Singh, S.K., 陈劲, Del Giudice, M., & El-Kassar, A.N. (2019). Environmental ethics, environmental performance, and competitive advantage: role of environmental training. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 146, 203-211.
16. Mei, L., Zhang, T., & 陈劲 (2019). Exploring the effects of inter-firm linkages on SMEs' open innovation from an ecosystem perspective: An empirical study of Chinese manufacturing SMEs. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 144, 118-128.
17. Relevant data paper: Mei, L., Zhang, T., & 陈劲 (2019). Survey data on inter-firm linkages and innovation activities of Chinese manufacturing SMEs. Data in brief, 27, 104671.
18. Huang, S., 陈劲, Ye, W., & Wang, K. (2019). The effect of external partner heterogeneity on open innovation: the moderating role of the technological regime. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 31(5), 593-605.
19. Huang, S., 陈劲, Mei, L., & Mo, W. (2019). The effect of heterogeneity and leadership on innovation performance: Evidence from university research teams in China. Sustainability, 11(16), 4441.
20. Li, F., 陈劲, & Ying, Y. (2019). Innovation Search Scope, Technological Complexity, and Environmental Turbulence: A NK Simulation. Sustainability, 11(16), 4279.
21. Han, S., Cui, W., 陈劲, & Fu, Y. (2019). Why Do Companies Choose Female CEOs?. Sustainability, 11(15), 4070.
22. Yin, X., 陈劲, & Zhao, C. (2019). Double Screen Innovation: Building sustainable core competence through knowledge management. Sustainability, 11(16), 4266.
23. Yin, X., Hai, B.L., & 陈劲 (2019). Financial constraints and R&D investment: The moderating role of CEO characteristics. Sustainability, 11(15), 4153.
24. Han, S., Cui, W., 陈劲, & Fu, Y. (2019). Female CEOs and Corporate Innovation Behaviors—Research on the Regulating Effect of Gender Culture. Sustainability, 11(3), 682.
25. Zhou, J., Mei, L., & 陈劲 (2019). Leveraging University Competitiveness: Evidence from Alliance Portfolio Practices at Zhejiang University. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(4), 827-842.
26. Huang, H., 陈劲, Yu, F., & Zhu, Z. (2019). Establishing the enterprises’ innovation ecosystem based on dynamics core competence—The case of China’s high-speed railway. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(4), 843-862.
27. Shi, Y., Gong, L., & 陈劲 (2019). The effect of financing on firm innovation: Multiple case studies on Chinese manufacturing enterprises. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(4), 863-888.
28. Jia, X., 陈劲, Mei, L., & Wu, Q. (2018). How leadership matters in organizational innovation: a perspective of openness. Management Decision, 56(1), 6-25.
29. Su, Y.S., Zheng, Z.X., & 陈劲 (2018). A multi-platform collaboration innovation ecosystem: the case of China. Management Decision, 56(1), 125-142.
30. Li, F., 陈劲, & Su, Y.S. (2018). Managing the university-industry collaborative innovation in China: The case of Zhejiang NHU Company. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 31(1), 62-82.
31 陈劲, Yin, X., & Mei, L. (2018). Holistic innovation: An emerging innovation paradigm. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 2(1), 1-13.
32. Su, Y.S., Kajikawa, Y., Tsujimoto, M., & 陈劲 (2018). Innovation ecosystems: Theory, evidence, practice, and implications. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 136, 14-17.
33. 陈劲, & Mei, L. (2018). Innovation evolution of China’s high-speed rail industry. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 5(4), 548-552.
34. Jia, J., Durrani, T.S., & 陈劲 (2018). The Innovation Waves in Mobile Telecommunication Industry. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 46(3), 63-74.
35. 陈劲, Zhu, Z., & Zhang, Y. (2017). A study of factors influencing disruptive innovation in Chinese SMEs. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 25(1), 140-157.
36. Ruan, A., & 陈劲 (2017). Does formal knowledge search depth benefit Chinese firms’ innovation performance? Effects of network centrality, structural holes, and knowledge tacitness. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 25(1), 79-97.
37. Lee, K.R., 陈劲, Li, J., & Kim, J.H. (2017). Better innovation, better future: working together for innovating Asia. Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 25(1), 1-4.
38. 陈劲 (2017). Towards new and multiple perspectives on innovation. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 1(1), 1-4.
39. Lewin, A.Y., Välikangas, L., & 陈劲 (2017). Enabling open innovation: Lessons from Haier. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 1(1), 5-19.
40. Huang, S., 陈劲, & Liang, L. (2018). How open innovation performance responds to partner heterogeneity in China. Management Decision, 56(1), 26-46.
41. Wu, H., 陈劲, & Liu, Y. (2017). The impact of OFDI on firm innovation in an emerging country. International Journal of Technology Management, 74(1-4), 167-184.
42. Viardot, E., Sherif, M.H., & 陈劲 (2016). Managing innovation with standardization: An introduction to recent trends and new challenges. Technovation, 100(48-49), 1-3.
43 陈劲, Jiao, H., & Zhao, X. (2016). A knowledge-based theory of the firm: managing innovation in biotechnology. Chinese Management Studies, 10(1), 41-58.
44. Zheng, Z., 陈劲, & Zheng, G. (2016). Typical modes and characteristics of reverse innovation: a multiple cases study on five enterprises operated in China. International Journal of Technology Management, 72(1-3), 43-60.
45. Liu, X., 陈劲, Xie, Y., & Wu, D. (2016). Strategic transformation through innovation in emerging industry: a case study. International Journal of Technology Management, 72(1-3), 192-209.
46. Yu, F., Wu, Y., & 陈劲 (2016). Biases in patent examination and firms’ responses: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry. China Economic Journal, 9(2), 101-115.
47. Wu, H., 陈劲, & Jiao, H. (2016). Dynamic capabilities as a mediator linking international diversification and innovation performance of firms in an emerging economy. Journal of Business Research, 69(8), 2678-2686.
48. Jiao, H., Koo, C.K., Cui, Y., & 陈劲 (2015). Who are more sensitive to procedural fairness? The impact of an innovation implementation approach, employees’ status concerns and need for control. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 27(6), 709-721.
49. 陈劲, Huang, S.F., & Xu, Q.R. (2015). Firm innovation systems: Perspectives of researches on state-owned key enterprises. Frontiers of Engineering Management, 2(1), 64-70.
50. Wang, Y., Li-Ying, J., 陈劲, & Lu, Z. (2015). Technology licensing in China. Science and Public Policy, 42(3), 293-299.
51. 陈劲, Zhao, X., & Wang, Y. (2015). A new measurement of intellectual capital and its impact on innovation performance in an open innovation paradigm. International Journal of Technology Management, 67(1), 1-25.
52.Wang, Y., Pan, X., Ning, L., Li, J., & 陈劲 (2015). Technology exchange patterns in China: An analysis of regional data. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 40(2), 252-272.
53.Wang, Y., Li-Ying, J., 陈劲, & Lu, Z. (2015). Technology licensing in China. Science and Public Policy, 42(3), 293-299.
54.Huang, S., 陈劲, Wang, Y., Ning, L., Sutherland, D., Zhou, Z., & Zhou, Y. (2015). External heterogeneity and its impact on open innovation performance. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 27(2), 182-197.
55.Wang, Y., Ning, L., & 陈劲 (2014). Product diversification through licensing: Empirical evidence from Chinese firms. European Management Journal, 32(4), 577-586.
56. Wang, F., 陈劲, Wang, Y., Lutao, N., & Vanhaverbeke, W. (2014). The effect of R&D novelty and openness decision on firms' catch-up performance: Empirical evidence from China. Technovation, 34(1), 21-30.
57.Wang, Y., Pan, X., Wang, X., 陈劲, Ning, L., & Qin, Y. (2014). Visualizing knowledge space: A case study of Chinese licensed technology, 2000–2012. Scientometrics, 98(3), 1935-1954.
58.Wang, F., Fu, X., & 陈劲 (2014). Differential Forms of Technological Change and Catch-Up: Evidence From China. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM), 11(02), 1-25.
59.Jiao, H., Cui, Y., Zhu, Y., & 陈劲 (2014). Building entrepreneurs’ innovativeness through knowledge management: The mediating effect of entrepreneurial alertness. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 26(5), 501-516.
60. 阳镇,陈劲, "数智化时代下企业社会责任的创新与治理",上海财经大学学报,6期,22卷,33-51页,2020.
61. 陈劲,阳镇,尹西明, "双循环新发展格局下的中国科技创新战略",当代经济科学,12页,2020.
62. 胡琳娜,陈劲, "整合式创新的框架及机理分析",科学管理研究,4期,38卷,2-9页,2020.
63. 陈劲,阳镇,尹西明, "新时代企业家精神的系统性转型:迈向共益型企业家精神",清华管理评论,7-8期,25-34页,2020.
64. 尹西明,陈劲,张月遥, "乡村创新系统推进乡村振兴的路径与机制研究",天津社会科学,03期,103-109页,2020.
65. 陈劲,曲冠楠,王璐瑶.有意义的创新:源起、内涵辨析与启示.科学学研究,2019,37(11):2054-2063.
66. 陈劲,吴庆前.中华传统文化中的创新因素与第四代管理学.科研管理,2019,40(08):12-19.
67 陈劲, 曲冠楠, 王璐瑶. 基于系统整合观的战略管理新框架. 经济管理, 2019, 41(07): 5-19.
68. 陈劲,尹西明,赵闯,朱心雨.反贫困创新:源起、概念与框架.吉林大学社会科学学报,2018,58(05):33-44
69. 陈劲,吴欣桐.性别化创新的理论内涵与实践应用——性与性别分析法的贡献.社会科学战线,2018(04):67-74+281.
70. 陈劲,尹西明,赵闯.反贫困创新的理论基础、路径模型与中国经验.天津社会科学,2018(04):106-113.
71. 陈劲,黄江.创新、和平与发展:和平创新研究初探.学习与探索,12 :105-111.2017
72. 梅亮,陈劲.责任式创新:源起、归因解析与理论框架.管理世界,2015(08):39-57.
73. 陈劲,汪欢吉.国内高校基础研究的原始性创新:多案例研究.科学学研究,2015,33(04):490-497.
74. 梅亮,陈劲,刘洋.创新生态系统:源起,知识演进和理论框架.科学学研究,2014,32(12):1771-1780.
75. 陈劲,黄淑芳.企业技术创新体系演化研究[J].管理工程学报, 2014,28(4):219-227.
1. Xiaolan Fu, Jin Chen, Bruce McKern, Oxford Handbook of China Innovation, Oxford University, Press,2021
2. Jin Chen, Alexander Brem, Eric Viardot Poh, Kam Wong. The Routledge Handbook of Innovation Management (1st ed.) [M].Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London and New York,2019.
3. Jin Chen,Gang Zheng, Innovation Management: Systemic Framework and China’s Exploration[M]. MC Graw Hill Education, 2019.
4. Jin Chen, The Internationalization of Technological Innovation for Chinese Enterprises, World Scientific Press, 2018
5. Latif Al-Hakim, Jin Chen, Quality Innovation: Knowledge, Theory and Practices[M]. IGI Global, 2013
6. Qingrui Xu, Jin Chen,et al, Leverage Innovation Capability[M].World Scientific Publisher, 2012
7. Latif Al-Hakim, Jin Chen, Innovation in Business and Enterprise:Technologies and Frameworks[M].Business Science Reference,USA,2010.
8. 陈劲, 著. 科技创新——中国未来30年强国之路[M]. 中国大百科全书出版社, 2020.
9. 陈劲,著. 管理的未来[M].企业管理出版社,2019.
10. 陈劲,著. 企业创新生态系统论[M]. 科学出版社,2017.
11. 陈劲,编著.管理学(第二版) [M]. 中国人民大学出版社,2017.
12. 陈劲,宋保华,著.首席创新官手册:如何成为卓越的创新领导者[M].机械工业出版社,2017.
13. 陈劲,编著.科学、技术与创新政策[M].科学出版社,2013.
14. 陈劲,著.全球化背景下的开放式创新:理论构建和实证研究[M].北京:科学出版社,2013
15. 陈劲,郑刚,编著. 创新管理:赢得持续竞争优势(第2版)[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2013.
16. 陈劲,唐孝威,著.脑与创新[M].北京:科学出版社,2013
17. 陈劲,贾根良,著.理解熊彼特[M].北京:437必赢会员中心出版社,2013
18. 陈劲,等,编著.最佳创新企业[M].北京:科学出版社,2012.
19. 陈劲,编著.协同创新[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社,2012.
20. 陈劲,主编.研究与开发管理[M].北京:437必赢会员中心出版社,2009.
21. 陈劲,郑刚,编著.创新管理——赢得持续竞争优势[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2009.
22. 陈劲,王焕祥,编著.演化经济学[M].北京:437必赢会员中心出版社,2008.
23. 陈劲,柳卸林,主编.自主创新与国家强盛——建设中国特色的创新型国家中的若干问题与对策研究[M].北京:科学出版社,2008.
24. 陈劲,著.复杂产品系统创新管理[M].北京:科学出版社,2007.
25. 陈劲,王方瑞,编著.技术创新管理方法[M].北京:437必赢会员中心出版社, 2006.
26. 陈劲,张方华.著.社会资本与技术创新[M].杭州:浙江大学出版社, 2002.
27. 陈劲.著.国家技术发展系统初探[M].科学出版社,1999.