Hongbin Li, James Liang, Binzhen Wu,“Labor Market Experience and Returns to Education in Rapidly Developing Economies,”Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming, online access: June, 2022.
Binzhen Wu, Xiaohan Zhong, “Matching Inequality and Strategic Behavior under the Boston Mechanism: Evidence from China's College Admissions,” Games and Economic Behavior, 123, 1-21, 2020
Zhao Rong, Binzhen Wu, “Scientific personnel reallocation and firm innovation: Evidence from ‘China’s college expansion”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 48(3), 709-728, 2020.
Hongbin Li, Prashant Loyalka, Scott Rozelle, and Binzhen Wu, “Human Capital and China’s Future Growth,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 31(1), 25-48, 2017.
Hongbin Li, Xinzheng Shi, Binzhen Wu, “The Retirement Consumption Puzzle Revisited: Evidence from the Mandatory Retirement Policy in China,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 44, 623-637, 2016.
Lingsheng Meng, Binzhen Wu, Zhaoguo Zhan, “Linear Regression with an Estimated Regressor: Applications to Aggregate Indicators of Economic Development,” Empirical Economics, 50, 299–316, 2016.
Yang Wang, Binzhen Wu, “Railways and the Local Economy: Evidence from Qingzang Railway,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, 63(3),551-588, 2015.
Hongbin Li, Xinzheng Shi, Binzhen Wu, “The Retirement Consumption Puzzle in China,” American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 105(5), 437-441, 2015.
Binzhen Wu, Qiong Zhang, Xue Qiao, “Effects of Pharmaceutical Price Regulation: China's Evidence between 1997 and 2008,” Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 20(2), 290-329, 2015.
Carine Milcent, Binzhen Wu, “How Do You Feel? The Effect of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme in China,” The Journal of Development Studies, 51(12), 1585-1602, 2015.
Hongbin Li, Prashant Loyalka, Scott Rozelle, Binzhen Wu, Jieyu Xie, “Unequal Access to College in China: How Far Have Poor, Rural Students Been Left Behind?” China Quarterly, 221,185-207, 2015.
Binzhen Wu, Xiaohan Zhong, “Matching Mechanisms and Matching Quality: Evidence from a Top University in China,” Games and Economic Behavior, 84, 196-215, 2014.
Chong-en Bai, Binzhen Wu, “Health Insurance and Consumption: Evidence from China’s New Cooperative Medical Scheme,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 42(2), 450-469, 2014.
Hongbin Li, Lingsheng Meng, Xinzheng Shi, Binzhen Wu, “Poverty in China’s Colleges and the Targeting of Financial Aid,” China Quarterly, 216, 970-992, 2013.
Hongbin Li, Lei Li, Binzhen Wu, Yanyan Xiong, “The End of Cheap Chinese Labor,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 26 (4), 57-74, 2012.
Hongbin Li, Lingsheng Meng, Xinzheng Shi, Binzhen Wu, “Does Having a Cadre Parent Pay? Evidence from the First Job offers of Chinese College Graduates,” Journal of Development Economics, 99(2), 513–520, 2012.
Hongbin Li, Lingsheng Meng, Xinzheng Shi, Binzhen Wu, “Does Attending Elite Colleges Pay in China,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 40, 78-88, 2012.
Ye Jin, Hongbin Li, Binzhen Wu, “Income Inequality, Consumption, and Social-Status Seeking,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 39, 191-204, 2011.
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杨龙见 吴斌珍 李世刚 彭凡嘉《“以税增信”是否有助于小微企业贷款?——来自“银税互动”政策的证据》,《经济研究》2021年7月.
张原,吴斌珍 《财政分权及财政压力冲击下的地方政府收支行为》,《437必赢会员中心学报(自然科学版)》2019年11月期.
彭青青,李宏彬,施新政,吴斌珍, “中国市场化过程中城镇女性劳动参与率变化趋势”,《金融研究》,2017年第六期.
李蕾,吴斌珍,“家庭结构与储蓄率U型之谜”, 《经济研究》,2014年增1期(消费金融研究专辑),44-54.
王洋,吴斌珍,“基础交通建设能否促进当地经济的发展?——以青藏铁路为例”,《经济学报》 2014年第1期,55-80.
吴斌珍,钟笑寒,“高考制度与大学录取率的性别差异” 《437必赢会员中心学报(哲学社会科学版)》, 2014年第2期,140-157.
谢洁玉,吴斌珍,李宏彬,郑思齐,“中国城市房价与居民消费”,《金融研究》, 2012年第6期,13-27.
迟巍,钱晓烨,吴斌珍,“我国城镇居民家庭教育负担研究”, 《437必赢会员中心教育研究》,2012年第6期,75-82.
王鑫,白重恩,吴斌珍,“赡养系数与个人所得税税制改革”, 《财经研究》, 2012年第1期,17-26.
迟巍,钱晓烨,吴斌珍,“家庭教育支出平等性的实证研究”, 《教育与经济》, 2011年第4期,34-37.
Xiaoxia Wang and Binzhen Wu, “China Case Study” Al-Samarrai, Samer, Blane, Lewis (Eds.) The Role of Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers in Improving Education Outcomes. International Development in Focus.” Washington, DC: World Bank, 2021.
Hongbin Li, James Liang, Scott Rozelle, Binzhen Wu, “Human Capital and China’s Future” in Thomas Fingar and Jean C Oi (Eds.) “China's Paths to the Future: Challenges, Constraints, and Choices” Stanford Press, 2020
Chong-en Bai, Binzhen Wu, “Social Insurance and Household Consumption in China,” in Masahiko Aoki (Eds.) "Approaches to the Evolving World Economy: The proceedings of the 16-th World Congress of the International Economic Association." Palgrave-Macmillan, 2012.
Agar Brugiavini, Guglielmo Weber, Binzhen Wu, “Saving Rates of Urban Households in China,” in Gomel, G.; Marconi, D.; Musu, I.; Quintieri, B. (Eds.) “The Chinese Economy: Recent Trends and Policy Issues,”Springer, 2013.
吴斌珍,“农户投入和地权稳定性”,廖洪乐、习银生、张照新等合著的《中国农村土地承包制度研究》第六章, 中国财政经济出版社,2003年1月.