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2010年04月05日 00:00


                  Assistant Professor of Marketing (tenure track)

                        School of Economics and Management

                             Tsinghua University, China


The School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University (Tsinghua SEM) is the leading business school in China. Tsinghua SEM is the first school in mainland China accredited by both AACSB and EQUIS. The School offers undergraduate, Master's (including MBA and EMBA) and Ph.D. programs and every year attracts the nation’s best students. The School provides excellent academic environment, state-of-the-art teaching facilities and diversified campus life. The School also offers competitive salary, relocation fund, start-up research grant, campus housing and other fringe benefits.Further, our teaching load is very light (similar to a top research school in the US).  More information about the school can be found at the Tsinghua SEMhomepage.


TheDepartment of Marketing at Tsinghua SEMcurrentlyconsists of elevenfull-time faculty members and one special-term professor. It is a dynamic, young, promising and mutually supportive team. More information about the department can be found at theDepartment of Marketinghomepage. We anticipate adding one new Assistant Professor positions in the coming academic year and therefore we sincerely invite your applications. Candidates should hold (or expect to hold) a doctorate degree in marketing or related fields and have demonstrated research potential to publish in top journals. Candidates must also be committed to effective teaching and university and school service.


A team from the school will attend the American Marketing Association Summer Educators’ Conference in Boston in August 2010 and interview qualified candidates. To apply, please send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, a sample of written work, and reference letters toDean Yingyi QianatFacultyRecruiter@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn and cczhengyh@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn


Review of applications will begin immediately. For further information please call (8610) 62771768 or email to Ms. Wei Sun at sunw4@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn.