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2016年11月28日 00:00







D. J. Wu, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology: Technology Support and Post-Adoption IT Service Use: Evidence from the Cloud

【Speaker】 D. J. Wu, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology

【Title】Technology Support and Post-Adoption IT Service Use: Evidence from the Cloud

【Time】Dec.8, Thursday, 10:00am-12:00pm

【Venue】Room 401, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM

【Language】English and Chinese

【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering

【Abstract】Does a provider’s technology support strategy influence its buyers’ post-adoption IT service use? We study this question in the context of cloud infrastructure services. The provider offers two levels of support, basic and full. Under basic support, the provider handles simple service quality issues. Under full support, the provider also offers education, training, and personalized guidance through two-way interactions with buyers. Using unique data on public cloud infrastructure services use by 22,179 firms from March 2009 to August 2012 and fixed effects dynamic panel data models, we find that buyers who opt for full support use 34.38% more of the service as well as increase the fraction of servers they run in parallel by 3.56 percentage points relative to those who do not. Furthermore, buyers who opt to switch back to basic support from full support continue using 15.58% more of the service and have a proportion of servers running in parallel 4.36 percentage points higher compared to buyers who have never accessed full support. We also find that in the long-run these effects of support on volume and efficiency of usage do not disappear. These findings provide suggestive evidence of buyer learning as a result of provider support.

【Keywords】IT service, organizational learning, IT use, cloud computing, Infrastructure-as-a-Service, technology support, service strategies

Full Paper Available at SSRN:https://ssrn.com/abstract=2165649.

【Bio】Dr. D. J. (Dongjun) Wu is a Professor and Area Coordinator in Information Technology Management at the Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology. He received his Ph.D. from the Operations and Information Management Department, the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and his B.E. from the Computer Science and Technology Department, Tsinghua University. Dr. Wu's current research interests include emerging business models for software startups, enterprise software platforms, contracting and procurement auctions and economics of cloud computing.

Dr. Wu's recent work has been published in premier academic journals including Management Science, Information Systems Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM), and MIS Quarterly. Dr. Wu’s research won the “Best Paper in Valuing IT Opportunities” award, the “Best Paper in Web-Based Information Systems and Applications” award at the 2006 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), and the Runner-Up Best Conference Paper Award at the 2009 ICIS. He received the 2013 Linda and Lloyd L. Byars Award for Faculty Research Excellence as well as the 2014 Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence, Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology.

Dr. Wu serves on the editorial boards of two premier academic journals: as an associate editor for Management Science (IS), and as a senior editor for Production and Operations Management (Management of Technology). He also served as an associate editor for Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2010-2014). Dr. Wu received the Management Science Editor-in-Chief Certification of Appreciation in 2008, and the Management Science Associate Editor Meritorious Service Award in 2010, 2013 and 2014. In addition, Dr. Wu received the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM) Associate Editor Meritorious Service Award in 2014.

For more information about Dr. Wu, please visit his GT official website at http://scheller.gatech.edu/wu.