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加州大学尔湾分校助理教授Mingdi Xin:竞争下的IT投资:不确定性的角色

2015年12月11日 00:00

【主讲】加州大学尔湾分校助理教授Mingdi Xin






【Bio】Mingdi Xin老师的简历

Professor Mingdi Xin joined The Paul Merage School of Business at University of California Irvine in July 2012 as an Assistant Professor of Information Systems.Her research interests include understanding the optimal pricing of digital goods and services, the emerging adoption of the Software-as-a-Service and cloud computing models and their strategic implications, as well as strategic adoption of IT under uncertainty. Mingdi’s work has appeared in Information Systems Research, and the Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Information Sciences from Peking University, China and a Doctoral degree in Information Systems from the New York University Stern School of Business.

Mingdi Xin,Assistant Professor,University of California, Irvine:IT Investment under Competition: The Role of Implementation Uncertainty

【Speaker】Mingdi Xin,Assistant Professor,University of California, Irvine

【Title】IT Investment under Competition: The Role of Implementation Uncertainty

【Time】Dec.17, 10:00-12:00

【Venue】Room 453, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering

【Abstract】How does competition impact firms’ incentive to invest in information technology (IT)? Prior literature suggests opposing predictions on the direction in which competition drives IT investment. This paper analyzes a game theoretic model of duopoly competition and shows that an important feature of IT investment sheds new light on firms’ IT investment decisions: the outcome of an IT implementation can be highly uncertain. In the absence of implementation uncertainty, the opportunity to invest in IT hurts firms’ profits because the productivity gains are competed away. Implementation uncertainty creates a possibility of differentiation through IT investment which can lead to higher profits. Interestingly, increasing implementation uncertainty can lead to lower investment risk and higher expected profits. Moreover, firms in highly competitive markets may be better able to recoup the returns from their IT investments, and, therefore, more motivated to invest in risky IT, compared to firms in less competitive markets.