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圣托马斯大学助理教授Muer Yang:外科重症监护室轮到你了:病人批量到达时外科重症监护室的有效收纳控制策略

2015年06月29日 00:00

【主讲】圣托马斯大学助理教授Muer Yang






【简历】Muer Yang老师的简历

Muer Yang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Operations and Supply Chain Management inthe Opus College of Business, University of St. Thomas (UST). He received his Ph.D. in OperationsManagement from the University of Cincinnati, and an M.S. in Management Science and a B.S. inManagement Information Systems from Tsinghua University. His research interests includeapplications of simulation optimization techniques, healthcare management, and public policyoperations. His research publications have appeared in IIE Transactions, Production and OperationsManagement, OMEGA, JORS, Critical Care Medicine and other journals.His teaching philosophy centers on the translation of knowledge into practical skills that bridgethe classroom and the real business environments. He teaches classes at the undergraduate and MBAlevels, including operations management and business statistics. He received the Susan E. Heckler Research Excellence Award in 2015, which recognizes outstandingfaculty achievement in research in UST, and 2nd place in the INFORMS SPPSN best paper competitionin 2011. His research in voting operations has received media coverage and he provided experttestimony in voting rights law suits.

Muer Yang, Assistant Professor, University of St. Thomas (UST): The ICU will see you now: efficient–equitable admission control policies for a surgicalICU with batch arrivals

【Speaker】Muer Yang, Assistant Professor, University of St. Thomas (UST)

【Title】The ICU will see you now: efficient–equitable admission control policies for a surgicalICU with batch arrivals

【Time】Monday, June 29, 14.00-16.00

【Venue】Room 453, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM


【Organizer】Department of Management Science and Engineering

【Abstract】Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are frequently the bottleneck in a hospital system, limiting patientflow and negatively impacting profits. We examine admission control policies for a surgical ICUwhere patients arrive in batches. This problem is formulated as a Markov Decision Process (MDP)with an objective function that allows for varying degrees of emphasis on efficiency versusequity. Equity concerns are driven by a combination of surgery type and operating surgeon and arecaptured in a robust manner in the proposed models. A simple and efficient heuristic solutionmethod related to our MDP formulation is proposed that provides a performance guarantee. Theproposed admissions policy is applied to a real setting motivated by the cardiothoracic surgicalICU at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York; the results demonstrate that the ICU can achievelarge equity gains with no efficiency losses.