【Speaker】Jiaxu Wang,PhD of Carnegie Mellon University
【Topic】A Labor Capital Asset Pricing Model
【Time】Tuesday,December 10,12:15-13:45
【Venue】Room 401, Weilun Building, Tsinghua SEM.
【Speaker】Ran Jing,Assistant Professor of University of International Business and Economics
【Topic】Import sourcing of Chinese Cities:Order versus Randomness
【Time】Wednesday,December 11,15:30-17...
【Speaker】Jinhong Xie ,JC Penney Eminent Scholar Chair and Professor, University of Florida, Co-Chair, Department of Marketing, Tsinghua University
【Topic】Crafting a Manuscript and Managing the Jo...
【Abstract】This paper addresses the strategic interactions in a two-stage supply chain consisting of a manufacturer who sells a new-to-be-released product to a retailer under a wholesale price contra...
【Speaker】Xiaoming Sun, Xi'an Jiao Tong University
【Title】Disintermediation or Closure? The End of Brokerage in Knowledge Contexts
【Time】Wednesday, December 4, 1:30--3:00pm
【Location】Room 335, ...