【Speaker】YU Jun, Professor of Economics,Singapore Management University
【Topic】Dating the Timeline of Financial Bubbles during the Subprime Crisis
【Time】14:00-16:00, 2010-05-21
【Venue】Room 501...
【Speaker】ZHANG Jing, Professor,Iowa State University
【Topic】Explorative and Exploitative Innovation, Institutional Capital, and Firm Performance: The Evidence from China
【Time】3:30 - 5:00pm, 201...
【Speaker】Professor Andrew Davies and Professor Lars Frederiksen, Imperial College Business School, Imperial College London
【Topic】Knowledge Creation and Transfer
【Time】13:30-15:30, 2010-05-17, M...
【Speaker】GONG Gang, Professor, Nankai University
【Topic】Urbanization in a Two-Sector Model with Sticky Wage and Firm Specific Capital in Urban Sector
【Time】14:30-16:00, 2010-05-13, Thursday
【Speaker】Brad Jackson, Professor, Fletcher Building Education Trust; Chair in Leadership,The University of Auckland Business School
【Topic】Business Leadership in the Age of Celebrity