【Speaker】Daniel Berkowitz, Professor, University of Pittsburgh
【Topic】The Emergence of Bank-Issued Credit in Russia: An Empirical Characterization
【Time】14:30-16:00, 2010-10-14, Thursday
【Speaker】WANG Hefei, Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Illinois at Chicago
【Topic】Perverse Incentives at the Banks? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
【Time】13:30am-15:00pm, Septembe...
【Speaker】Dr. FU Xiaolan, Director of the Sanjaya Lall Programme for Technology and Management for Development, Oxford University
【Topic】How Does Openness Affect the Importance of Incentives for In...
【Speaker】Genia Kostka,Professor,Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
【Topic】Chinese Firms Taking off the“Black Hat”: Innovative Policies to Foster Energy Saving and Emission Reductions in Ch...
【Speaker】Roger Myerson,Professor,University of Chicago
【Topic】A Model of Moral-Hazard Credit Cycles
【Time】14:00-15:30pm, 2010-09-16, Thursday
【Venue】Room 503,Weilun Building,Tsinghua SEM
【Speaker】JU Jiandong, Professor, Department of Economics
【Topic】Consumer Heterogeneity, Free Trade, and the Welfare Impact of Income Redistribution
【Time】14:30-16:00, 2010-09-09, Thursday
【Speaker】Paul Romer, Senior Fellow, Stanford Center for International Development, Stanford University
【Topic】Sustaining Rapid Growth
【Time】14:30-16:30, 2010-07-27, Tuesday
【Venue】Shunde 418, ...