【Speaker】LIU Tingjun, Assistant Professor of Finance,Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business
【Topic】Takeover Bidding with Signaling Incentives
【Time】13:30-15:00pm, 2010-11-25
【Venue】Room 385, ...
【Speaker】YAO Yang, Professor and Director, China Center for Economic Research; Deputy Dean, The National School of Development; Editor, China Economic Quarterly, Peking University
【Speaker】SHA Ruodan, Ph.D. Candidate, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia
【Topic】Employee Sabotage Associated with Unfair Treatment from Customers: A Comparison of Canada and...
【Speaker】WANG Lei, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Organization and Human Resources, School of Management, State University of New York at Buffalo
【Topic】An Alternative Explanation for Transformati...
【Speaker】Dr. JIANG Baojun, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University
【Topic】Firm Strategies in the Mid Tail of Platform-Based Retailing
【Time】13:30pm-15:00pm, 2010-11-18, Thursday
【Speaker】Richard Zeckhauser, Frank P. Ramsey Professor of Political Economy, Kennedy School, Harvard University
【Topic】Behavioral Decision and Movement Across Treatments and Health Plans
【Speaker】QIU Dongxiao, Professor, School of Economics and Finance, University of Hong Kong
【Topic】Cross-Country Externalities of Trade and FDI liberalization
【Time】14:30pm-16:00pm, 2010-11-04, T...