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清华会计高端论坛:贝恩咨询Stephen Shih:应用战略提供结果


【主题】应用战略提供结果(Applying strategy to deliver results)

【嘉宾】Stephen Shih合伙人贝恩咨询







Stephen Shih is a partner based in in Beijing. He has also worked in Bain’s Boston and Hong Kong offices.

Stephen has experience working with clients across a broad range of industries, including packaging, retail banking, consumer retail, hospitality, and various industrial companies. He helps clients with growth strategies, operational improvement and developing high performance organizations. He has also worked extensively on commercial due diligence assignments for private equity and corporate clients. He has worked with clients around the world and within Asia.

He has co-authored articles for publications such as China Business News, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Business Management Review, and Forbes China. He has been interviewed by media such as the South China Morning Post and CNN.

In addition to his consulting experience with Bain, Stephen has also worked at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as the Head of MBA Career Services and Corporate Relations.

Stephen graduated from Princeton University with an AB in Economics (magna cum laude). He holds an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management, where he graduated as a Carter Fellow (top 2% of class).