【Speaker】David A. Waldman, Professor of Management, W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
【Topic】Publishing in Top-Tier Journals
【Time】13:30-15:00pm, 2011-01-14, Friday
【Speaker】Peter Hom, Professor, Department of Management, Arizona State University
【Topic】Reviewing Employee Turnover: Focusing on Proximal Psychological States and an Expanded Criterion
【Speaker】Edwin Lai, Professor of Economics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
【Topic】Would Global Patent Protection be Too Weak without International Coordination
【Speaker】Maggie Chen, Assistant Professor, Economics and International Affairs, George Washington University
【Topic】The Global Agglomeration of Multinational Firms
【Time】14:30-16:00pm, 2010-12-2...
【Speaker】Dr. Simon Zadek, Senior Fellow (non-resident), Centre for Business and Government, J F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
【Topic】International Trends in Responsible Business...
【Speaker】FANG Hanming, Professor of Economics, University of Pennsylvania
【Topic】Estimating Dynamic Discrete Choice Models with Hyperbolic Discounting, with an Application to Mammography Decisions...